My gardening successes

Hopefully some of my past successes will inspire you to get your gardening gloves on and have a go.
I do a lot of experimenting, this is the page of things that worked out well and the next page is those things that didn't!
Below: I've been doing really well with the acorn squash.

Last years tomatoes and melons were amazing.

Below: A monster of a tomato.

And some more

And some pink beauties

Below: My foraged Christmas wreath.

I successfully grow pineapples in Yorkshire. Not big but delicious.

My figs are regular croppers.

Below: I have recently taken up mushroom growing.

I can wholeheartedly recommend the growing of mushrooms if you like them.
Below: And I don't even like Brussel sprouts.

Last year as part of a trial I grew Aubergines or Eggplant indoors through the winter.

Below: There's nothing like a pear at the peak of perfection.

The redcurrants in full fruit.

Below: The Yellow jets have been good for years.

Below: A selection of last years heritage tomato varieties.